Sunday, March 28, 2010

Girls Weekend

One of Ray's friends from high school has a son who is only a few hours older than Brayden. The guys decided to bring the boys to Utah to spend four days skiing. They had a great time and the boys turned out to be really good skiiers. Brayden is a really good athlete. He has a ton of energy, is very co-ordinated, has no fear, gives 150% and wants to do whatever physical activity anyone will do with him. The girls and I had a nice time together. Saturday we went to get the girls hair cut, to lunch, shopping for clothes, and then to the library. They love getting their hair cut so that was fun. Sasha wants her hair to be long so I only had her bangs cut. Brookelyn needed her hair trimmed and bangs cut. I brought them shopping because they are both very opinionated about what they will wear. Brookelyn doesn't like anything with long sleeves. Both girls like sleeveless dresses. The shopping was pretty fun, but they were tired of it before I was. Lunch was fine. Brookelyn had asked to go to the library, so even though I thought we should go home, she still wanted to go. I had a vision of me reading a book while they looked at pictures in books. That wasn't how it turned out. Brookelyn kept taking books from one area to another and refiling them. Sasha took off her shoes and layed down right where people lined up to check out their books. I had grabbed a bunch of books for the kids and for me and was waiting in line. I kept trying to get Beookelyn to stop climbing up on the shelves and to get Sasha off the floor. I was pretty tired when we got home and we all happily took a nap together. The girls dressed themselves that day.

1 comment:

Kim and Rich said...

Your trip to the library sounds like my trip to the bookstore with the boys today.